Haven't you ever wondered about the story behind a song or a painting?
Find out what this series of eight paintings was supposed to be ... and then what it wanted to be.... join me for an art story.
Let us begin…
Ready? Here's the real story of this fluid art layers series...
I planned on creating a large masterpiece for my own home in this intuitive painting style using fluid acrylics. The panel was originally 2 feet by 4 feet. It was going to be a show stopper!
Well, things change when you are an abstract painter. And in this case, not always for the better (at least not what this artist intended).
I know they say "there are no mistakes in art", but at the time... I could not get this to go in the direction I had planned.
First mistake -- sticking to a plan.
You see, I paint with emotion, from the heart, intuitively....it just flows out and is a constantly changing experience. Which, by the way, is exactly what I love about it.
This one painting custom made for me, was not going to end up as one painting for me!
After multiple (understatement) layers of paint, many texts to my sister (Barbara German -- look her up --who is an amazing artist and will tell me the absolute truth, thank goodness) ... I flipped the panel over and drew a grid on it. I then proceeded to have my husband cut it into 8 pieces for me. (for those of you laughing at me because I had to get my husband to do this -- trust me...I cannot successfully cut a straight line...)
Solution! I can either salvage one or two out of the whole. Or... it will fit in the trash can easier. Sometimes giving yourself the freedom and permission to "just throw it away" is just what you need to open up your heart and mind.
So, at this point I had to walk away from it. I would think about it constantly and get an idea ... run out to my studio ... slap some more paint on it ... go back inside. Only after many back and forth trips, did it start to take shape and become a whole new set of paintings.
Talk about second chances! I am so glad I gave my art-self enough grace to give myself permission to fail and continue on trying.
Moral of the story???

Stay tuned for more background stories that shape and form my paintings and sculptures...